
"Come and listen, all you who fear God, let me tell you what He has done for me."

Psalm 66:16

"God healed my right shoulder at our Tuesday night small group after prayer! No pain, full range of motion!"


"A prophetic word was shared about God healing legs. I walked into the service with a sore ankle and a stiff knee. My pain disappeared and I went on a hike that afternoon."


"I have been struggling to provide for my little family (depending on my family). I barely had any clothes for my son and shoes were limited for both. One day a woman helped me tremendously. Not only with a ton of clothes and shoes for both my kids but went above and beyond to help a family in need. Thank you God for watching out for me and my kids, you always provide!"
"Miracle healing at praise and worship meeting last Friday. 
Toothache gone!!"
"For 2+ years I had suffered with sciatica, going to the chiropractor, weekly sometimes twice a week. After intercessory prayer one day as I was limping out the door, a friend asked what was wrong. Faith had been built up in all of us from the prayer time, and she and another person joined in praying for me. I walked out free from pain, and in August it hasn't yet returned. God still heals today!!! Glory!" 
"In Prayer Room I had sharp pains in my ankles. It wouldn't go away. I went into warfare against the pain. It immediately went away. It shows me I should always be alert and go into warfare as soon as he starts his dirty work. We all should!!!"
"Had pain in hands and arms; people at my table prayed in agreement. Numbness and pain gone. Thank you Jesus."


Thank you for praying, I'm seeing good behavior changes in my kids and they are doing well in school."


"Earlier this year my life took a turn for the bad. I had just gotten out of a bad relationship, I was now a single mother w/no job and 2 beautiful kids. I am happy to say that I am now employed as a full time Assistant Manager. I am in a really good relationship. The power of prayer has really helped me through my bad time. Praise God to the highest!"
"My oncologist rejected me. Said I am done with all follow-up appointments. Life with cancer dogging my steps is over! The side effects from five years of cancer meds have disappeared. No joint pain. No lethargy. I am back to trail running, something I thought was over."
"God lifted my addiction to alcohol off me, will be sober 2 years Apr. 12, 2015. I was saved on St. Patrick's Day and it was after that God helped me overcome my urge to drink. Thank you Lord, you are with me each day, and love you so."
"Art & Eileen prayed for a pinched nerve in my back. It left and has not come back. Praise Jesus!"
"Recent scan revealed God has healed me of an aggressive form of ovarian cancer.  Praise God! Thank you body for all your prayers and support."


"3 weeks ago I was leaving church, I had just pulled onto Williams Field Rd. and a young girl came from a road to my right. She was going very fast and I knew I was going to hit her. I put my foot totally to the floor (on the brake) and was bracing myself for the collision. Honestly don't know how, but she breezed on past me. The song that we had just sung in church was going through my mind, The God of Angel Armies is Always By My Side - He goes before me and is behind...PTL!"


My feet hurt but I didn't tell anyone. Art & Eileen said they were supposed to pray for me. They prayed, my feet stopped hurting!
"After 3 miscarriages, join us in thanking God for our gracious gift of Molly."
"Had prayer for healing of my knee and received healing of my neck which had been in pain with a large lump for over a year. Three weeks later, my knee is better and the pain has not returned."
"A prophetic word for anyone who needed prayer for their knees was shared. They prayed for my left knee and it feels 100% better! No pain at all! I can sit cross-legged or kneel and sit on my feet. And, as a bonus, my ankles don't hurt anymore either! Yea God!"
"We prayed for a tormented, oppressed, and harassed woman at our Wednesday night "Continuing the Conversation" Bible study a few weeks ago. She continues to walk to Trinity on Wednesday nights from a shelter. What a difference Jesus has made in her life! Freedom, clarity, joy!"


Thank you for the meals, gifts and financial blessings while my husband was recovering from his car accident. He is fully healed and found a job with a pay increase. His old job continues to want him to work in his free time. Exciting things are happening!"


"Praise Jesus my sister and I have come into a closer relationship. She is now responding to my texts to her. I went to visit them in June for their daughter's graduation. They told me that I have "changed" for the better and we agreed that JESUS has changed me!"
"I attended a Sozo ministry and I have never felt such a spiritual healing. I have never felt the love of God pierce my soul like I did then. I feel reborn and free of ALL condemnation. I am truly free through the blood of Jesus."
"After many trials in our marriage, We are closer than ever. We thank God for prayers answered and our church family for support and marriage enrichment class. Choose love!"
"A lady was healed during a Sozo appointment. When we prayed, pain in her neck, head and back left and her leg grew out the same length as the other. Praise the Lord!"
"Dabney Joy Ewing is whole and well after a drowning accident, leaving her paralyzed on one side and unresponsive for a week. Completely healed!"


"I've had neck pain for many years. This week I had a very hard fall and landed on the top of my head. The neck pain became so bad, I couldn't lift my head. Now, after prayer, I have more freedom of movement, without pain, that I've had for decades. Praise God and bless you for your prayers!"


"At Firestarters I had a horrible back spasm under left shoulder. Hands were laid on my back and by the time I got back to my chair the spasm was gone. Praise God!"
I've been having neck pain within the last 2 weeks. I couldn't move my neck to the left/right. It was painful. Today I had some prayer over me and WOW, I could move my neck without any discomfort. I'm very amazed with God's power! He is really opening my heart and my eyes! 
"Received prayer in response to word of knowledge of healing of right knee. Did every exercise in exercise class - totally well, no pain during or afterwards!"
"We were financially behind plus we had an extreme issue at our house and lost 6 pets. We were totally blessed by receiving a wonderful financial blessing that caught all bills up and we are back on line. Praise the Lord! Also I have been blessed with 3 pets. God is an Awesome God and an Awesome Provider!"
"Pulled, possibly torn back muscle, back & muscle spasms. Prayed for at Firestarters Friday night, immediately felt 80% better and an hour later or so, no pain. Next day went about yard work, lifting and doing normal things without thinking about it. About half way through the day I remembered that I had hurt it the day before and shouldn't have been able to do the things I had been doing all morning! Thank God!!"


"Had a Sozo session. The Father revealed many things to me and healed me in many areas! Also for many years I have had a pressure in the back and front of my head. After prayer on Friday I do not have any more pressure because the Lord has healed those hurts, wounds, that have been there for I don't know how long. Praise God for His Healing!" 


"Today was my birthday and I woke up in the middle of the night with stomach pain and asked God to heal me for my birthday. HE DID!"
"After the mission trip with the youth my shins were hurting and at Firestarters we prayed for healing and I was healed!"
"I had horrible pain in my liver area. A woman sensed I needed prayer and she put her hand right where I was hurting without knowing I was hurting in that place! I got immediate healing that never came back. Praise you Jesus!"
A prophetic word was shared that someone was receiving healing on their back, after having trouble all week. I felt like it was "for me." From that time on...all back pain gone! 
It was for me! Praise God!!"
"Because of the Sozo Ministry the Lord has helped me uncover very deep rooted walls of protection in my life. They have come down and now I'm learning to lean even more on the Father for being my protector. Thank you Lord!!"


"A woman had a word Sunday about a hip being healed. As soon as the word left her mouth, my right hip stopped hurting."


"I was saved, accepted Christ as my Savior into my heart :) Without that I know I would not be here today. I am becoming a better person and overcoming an addiction because of Jesus and church."
"A woman prayed for my throat and the Lord healed my nodule. I went to the doctor and he confirmed the nodule was gone. I saw the picture! Praise the Lord!"
"I had a personal moment of doubt and hurt when I allowed a root of bitterness and unforgiveness to grow in my heart. The problem was, I did not know how to deal with it because I did not know the root cause of this. I asked for counsel and prayer. The very next day, God shined a light in my mind, showing me the root cause of my hurt. With obedience and humility, I went to the other person (the cause) and reconciliation and forgiveness took place. In my book, this is a miracle of healing of hurt."
"I had a bad pain in my chest. I prayed and it disappeared!"
"I was healed of painful shingles at the Women's Retreat. 
Praise our wonderful God!"